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  • Population dynamics of the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae from the Ciknaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia

    Publicado: 2021-05-11

    Autor(es): Macera, Ernesto. Mendo, Jaime. 1996


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Este artículo se trata del ostión rhiumze Crassostrea y los parámetros de crecimiento, tasas de mortalidad (Z, F y M ) , rendimiento por recluta y biomasa del ostión, que se estimaron utilizando el paquete FiSAT , sobre la base de datos de frecuencia de longitud. La mortalidad por pesca indica que la ostra está sobreexplotada debido principalmente a la cosecha que es un método utilizado por los pescadores. Growth parameters, instantaneous mortality rates (Z, F and M), yield per recruit and biomass per recruit of the oyster Crassostrea rhi&umze were estimated using the FiSAT package, based on shell length frequency data of 2551 individuals. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters and total mortality were estimated using the ELEFAN I program and the catch curve method, respectively. Pauly’s and M= 2K empirical equations were used to estimate natural mortality. Values found are L, = 149 mm, K=0.9 year- ‘, 4’=4.3 and to= -0.05 year-‘, respectively. Age at entry is too low because of the harvest of small oysters attac