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Detalle de Documento

  • Is there coherence in the European Union's strategy to guarantee the supply of fish products from abroad?

    Autor(es): Mulazzani, Luca [... et al.]

    Ubicación: Centro de Documentación INVEMAR

    ISSN: 0308-597X

    Palabras clave: Common fisheries policy, Trade policy, Distant water fisheries, Fisheries partnership agreements, Non-tariff barriers

The European Union (EU) fisheries in internal waters and aquaculture are not sufficient to satisfy the EU's fish demand. For this reason, the EU's consumption depends on catches of distant water fisheries through fisheries agreements with third countries and on the import of fish products. This paper analyzes the coherence of the EU policy by focusing on four case studies. In particular, this paper attempts to identify the main synergies and conflicts amongst the varying objectives of the EU and different actors affected by the external dimension of the common fisheries policy (CFP). Results appear to show that fisheries agreements, particularly those concerning demersal resources, are more difficult to renew due to competition with local fleets, pressure from environmentalist lobbies, and budgetary issues. Thus, the EU market will increasingly be dependent on imports due to a liberalization climate encouraged by the EU processors that require raw material and fishing companies established in third countries (joint ventures). The role of the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, and the European Commission, along with their positions of contradictory objectives, is highlighted.