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SiAMSistema de Información Ambiental Marina

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Detalle de Documento

  • Metabolism and physiological traits of the deep sea amphipod eurythenes gryllus. pp. 251-260

    Publicado: France Université P. et M Curie 2009

    Autor(es): Premke, K.

    Ubicación: Centro de Documentación INVEMAR

    ISSN: 0240-8759

    Palabras clave: Invertebrados, Crustaceos, Aguas profundas, Metabolismo

Laboratory experiments were carried out to measure standard (starved animals) and active (animals exposed to food odour) metabolic rates of the deep-sea amphipod Eurythenes gryllus. Six individuals could be kept alive and in good condition in the lab for several months and were used for measuring respiration rates. A considerable increase in oxygen consumption was observed following the addition of food odour. Mean specific oxygen consumption rate ranged from 0.11 to 2.05 ml O2 g-1 AFDW h-1 for standard animals and 0.45 to 1.51 ml O2 g-1 AFDW h-1 for active animals. Amphipods are adapted to a sporadic food source in a food limited environment by having two levels of metabolism: a standard (minimal) rate much like a state of dormancy and an active rate for optimal utilisation of food fall. The active rate was three times higher than the standard rate. Total lipid content (ranging from 22.1 to 37.6