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Se encontraron 18 resultados


JC-263.pdf : Eco-DRR_eng_表紙_cs5

This handbook introduces some approaches to disaster risk management based on a symbiotic relationship between nature and humanity, and compiles basic information on practical matters for reference. It highlights some of the benefits and advantages of Eco-system based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR), the traditional and new ecosystem-based approaches as well ...

Map and Database of Quaternary Faults and Folds in Colombia and Its Offshore Regions

As part of the International Lithosphere Program’s “World Map of Major Active Faults,” the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is assisting in the compilation of a series of digital maps of Quaternary faults and folds in Western Hemisphere countries. The maps show the locations, ages, and activity rates of major earthquake-related ...


Introducción -- Ciclones tropicales -- Mareas de tormenta -- inundaciones -- deslizmientos de tierra -- avalanchas -- sequía -- agua y accidentes industriales -- Salud y desastres relacionados con el agua -- implicaciones del cambio climático -- gestión de riesgo


The complete guide to planning and design for water sustainability, as well as flooding and natural disasters. Architects, urban planners, and urban designers, as well as water resources engineers and landscape architects will discover that Design for Flooding presents the best practices and lessons to create buildings and communities that ...

Social bonds and recovery:

Autor(es): Clay, Patricia M.
Ubicación: Centro de Documentación INVEMAR

Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction in Japan:

Publicado: Japan 2016 Ministry of the Environment of Japan
Ubicación: Centro de Documentación INVEMAR

Hazard awareness and risk mitigation in ICAM Integrated Coastal Area Management

Publicado: Paris Unesco 2009
Autor(es): Arthurton, Russell
Ubicación: Centro de Documentación INVEMAR

Own-price elasticity of open access supply as a long-run measure of fish stock abundance

Autor(es): Rudders, David B. [... et al.]
Ubicación: Centro de Documentación INVEMAR

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